Eliminate tedious, time-consuming tasks with AI-powered automation


Say goodbye to monotonous tasks and hello to increased revenue by using the power of AI automation.


Not sure where to start with AI? We’ll work with you to figure out exactly what your business needs and create a plan of action. No guesswork. You’ll have a clear path to AI success. 



Every AI journey begins with raw data. Without meticulous data preparation, even the most advanced ML models may falter. We’ll help you clean and organize it so that your AI can operate with precision.



Custom AI and ML software development from scratch. It’s about blending your unique needs with our expertise to create tailored AI tools that integrate seamlessly with your operations.

AI Automation Made Easy For You Every Step Of The Way

You’ve got big goals for your business, and AI can help you achieve them.

But where do you start? That’s where Supernova Media comes in. We’ll guide you through the process, build what you need, and provide support when needed. No more wondering if you’re doing it right. Enjoy the confidence of having a partner who’s got your back.

A circular arrow surrounding a dollar sign symbolizes the cost reduction achieved by automating manual, repetitive tasks in business processes.

Cost efficiency

Automation enables you to reduce manual, tedious, and repetitive work, which in turn lowers operating costs.


You can increase workflow efficiencies by automating routine but essential tasks, thereby freeing up your staff for higher-value work, driving down costs and boosting revenue.

An icon of a lightbulb with a pen and paper signifies the increased efficiency, consistency, and productivity in research, writing, editing, and distribution of content through automation.

Content creation

Enhance efficiency, consistency, and productivity by automating research, writing, editing, and distribution.


AI can handle time-consuming tasks like keyword research, content drafting, and even basic editing.

It can be customised to adhere to specific brand guidelines, ensuring that the tone, style, and messaging align seamlessly with the brand’s unique identity.

Content automation tools provide a centralised platform for collaboration, enabling team members to work seamlessly on shared projects.

A chat bubble icon with a person and gear symbolizes automated customer support tools that minimize human intervention for repetitive tasks like FAQs and troubleshooting.

Customer support

Minimize human support when carrying out repetitive tasks, troubleshooting common issues or answering simple FAQs.


Provide around-the-clock support – regardless of your customers’ location, circumstances, or time zones.

Unlike live agents, automation tools aren’t constrained by contact center opening hours, and allow customers to rapidly “self-service” simple issues, often without any need to involve contact center agents.

A gear icon with a workflow diagram illustrates how automation can eliminate bottlenecks in business processes, saving time and resources.

Process automation

Eliminate bottlenecks leading to lost time and revenue allowing teams to focus on value-added activities.


Nothing tires an employee more than boring work. Process automation removes repetitive, time-consuming work allowing staff to focus on things that challenge them to think creatively and critically.

Consistency of automated processes means that you can rely on your business processes to function, and you can give your customers efficient processes while retaining a competitive edge.

A funnel icon with a clock and figures indicates the automated streamlining of lead nurturing processes, enhancing speed, efficiency, and error reduction.

Lead nurtutring

Streamline processes, reducing errors and improving the overall speed and efficiency of the lead generation process.


When you’re manually generating leads, it can be easy for important information to get lost or overlooked. With automation, your data is stored in one centralized location, making it easier to access, organize, and analyze.

An icon of a bar graph with arrows and magnifying glass depicts the automated collection, preparation, analysis, and visualization of data for informed decision-making.

Data analysis

Gather, prepare, analyze, and visualize data using automated tools and workflows.


Automation enables real-time analytics allowing you to gain insights immediately. As new data comes in, automation can process and analyze it to deliver insights right away.

Allowing you to focus on higher-level exploratory work, interpretation of results, and continuous improvement of the analytics pipeline.

An SEO icon with a magnifying glass and graph represents automated SEO tasks like keyword research, site audits, and backlink analysis to improve website rankings.

Search engine optimization

Automate repetitive tasks such as keyword research, site audits, backlink analysis, and on-page optimization.


Instead of manually checking each page for SEO compliance, AI can quickly crawl your site and provide a comprehensive report, saving you hours of meticulous work.

This allows you to focus on more strategic initiatives that require your unique expertise and creativity.

A magnifying glass icon with a graph and data points signifies automated market research tools that gather insights faster and more efficiently than manual methods.

Market research

Streamline and accelerate market research while reducing human tasks gathering market insights.


Leveraging insightful market research is more essential than ever. However, conducting comprehensive research via traditional methods like in-person focus groups, large-scale surveys, manual data analysis and outdated analyst reports can be slow, labor-intensive and costly.

AI-driven research enables identifying trends, patterns and sentiment shifts faster than human analysis could.

Chatbot development services

Chatbots are your behind-the-scenes team players,  boosting your day-to-day efficiency and being there for your customers anytime, day or night.

Process Streamlining

Increase conversion rates

Generate & qualify leads

24/7 Support

Sustainable expansion

Superior Service

Chatbot Trends 2024

  • Organizations will implement chatbots 80% 80%
  • Customers prefer to search using voice 71% 71%
  • Customers feel 24/7 support is most useful 64% 64%
  • Businesses experience quicker complaint resolution 90% 90%
  • Customers prefer to use chatbots 69% 69%

Google Workspace Automation

Welcome to a world where your workday gets a whole lot lighter. With Google Workspace Automation, it’s like having a super assistant by your side.

Gmail logo, the email service by Google.


Automate your inbox with smart filters and auto-responders, turning email management from a chore into a breeze

Google Docs logo, the word processing software by Google.


Leverage AI to auto-generate content, collaborate in real-time, and bring efficiency to document creation and editing.

Google Tasks logo, the task management app by Google.


Integrate AI to prioritize your to-do list, set reminders, and sync across devices, keeping you on track with minimal effort.

Google Drive logo, the cloud storage service by Google.


Streamline your file organization with automated backup schedules and smart search features to access your data effortlessly.

Google Calendar logo, the calendar and scheduling app by Google.


Enhance scheduling with AI-powered meeting planning, automatic reminders, and event organization to maximize your time.

Google Forms logo, the online survey tool by Google.


Deploy smart forms that auto-analyze responses, providing instant insights and trends to inform your decision-making process.

Ready to get started?

Discover how the power of intelligent automation and ChatGPT can skyrocket your business performance.

We aren’t going to spam you with emails or call you a thousand times. After you submit your form, we’ll ask you a few questions about what you’re looking to accomplish via email, then book a convenient time for a call.

Nancy Bain

CEO & Founder, Supernova Media

Let’s talk.

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Simplified Workflows For the Busy Solopreneur

Contact Supernova Media today, to discover how to streamline your business processes with AI automation.


What sets us apart?

  • Tailored Solutions: We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all. Our AI solutions and digital strategies are customized to your specific goals and challenges.
  • Real-World Expertise: Our founder, Nancy, isn’t just an AI aficionado – she’s a seasoned solopreneur who understands the unique needs of businesses like yours.

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