AI-Powered Efficiency for Solopreneurs

Intelligent Automation

Save time. Work smarter. Streamline administrative tasks and processes with custom AI solutions.

Supernova Media: Experts in AI automation collaborate on custom solutions for clients.

Supercharge Your Productivity With AI

Supernova Media streamlines your business operations by seamlessly blending AI automation into your workflow.

A human head silhouette with a gear and AI chip embedded signifies the power of AI integration training to optimize workflows in content generation, data analytics, SEO, and customer personalization.

AI Integration Training

Scale efficiently with our AI Integration Training. Learn to leverage AI for content generation, data analytics, SEO, and customer personalization, to optimize your workflow.

A desktop computer screen displays an AI assistant managing documents and emails, symbolizing the automation of administrative tasks and seamless integration of AI into Google Workspace for increased efficiency.

AI-Driven Google Workspace Solutions

Maximize efficiency by automating routine administrative tasks like email & document management, scheduling and customer service, with seamless AI workflow integration.

A stylized image of a woman enjoying a cup of tea, inviting you to join her for a biweekly live ChatGPT lesson and Q&A session on Sundays at 11:00 AM ADT.

Join the Conversation and Subscribe to Tech Tactics.

  • ONE ChatGPT lesson delivered biweekly.
  • ONE hour live support via Slack.
  • Notion resource hub: easily access past lessons.

☕ Join me for tea!

Custom AI Solutions Designed For Your Success

At Supernova Media, we understand that every business owner has distinct requirements. That’s why we offer personalized AI solutions tailored to your specific needs and challenges.

Our approach includes:

Personalized needs assessment

Collaborative strategic planning

Custom AI solution implementation

We work closely with you to ensure you have the tools and support to simplify processes and achieve your goals.

Authentic Experiences, Genuine Praise

Don’t just take our word for it. See what our fans are saying!

We’re not just an AI company; we’re a trusted partner in digital transformation.

Sheza Yazadani

I think this is the need of the hour! Thanks Nancy!

Sheza Yazadani
University of Central Punjab

Shelly Thomas, PE

My favorite part, Nancy is you’re providing the concepts AND the application of them. So valuable!

Shelly Thomas, PE
Chart Industries Inc.

Chetna Sharma

Awesome! It was a GOLD breakdown really. Keep rocking, Nancy!

Chetna Sharma
Self Employed

Matteo Castiello

This is so extensive, thanks for putting in the effort here!

Matteo Castiello

Saikumar Vattikulla

Best guide on the internet! Thanks Nancy!

Saikumar Vattikulla
Quantta Analytics

Rory Flynn

Alright this is the most useful GPT content I’ve seen in awhile. Killer stuff.

Rory Flynn
Systematiq Ai

Tianyu Xu

Amazing! This is what I need. Thanks for showing us the true power of GPTs, Nancy.

Tianyu Xu

Hank Barker

Turning up the temperature in here. This is fire, Nancy Bain!

Hank Barker
Oakland University

Jonathan Parsons

Brilliant guide, thanks Nancy!

Jonathan Parson
Procter & Gamble

Valeriya Pilkevich

Wow, amazing guide as always: from insights to execution Nancy Bain!

Valeriya Pilkevich

Martin Crowley

This is so well described and what a useful guide, Nancy. Hope anyone who is starting with GPT or even those people who have used it before read this.

Martin Crowley
AI Tool Report

Chris Gallagher

Eye opening. As usual absolutely stellar content Nancy. You’re a legend.

Chris Gallagher
AI Sales Training

Jared Williams

I love this 10,000 X over. HUGE thanks, Nancy. This is high value.

Jared Williams
Campfire Glow

Kevin Rodriguez

Now I don’t have to imagine. Crazy value here by combining all these tools. Thanks, Nancy!

Kevin Rodriguez
DePaul University

Valeriya Pilkevich

Wow, amazing guide as always: from insights to execution Nancy Bain!

Valeriya Pilkevich

Matteo Castiello

This is so extensive, thanks for putting in the effort here!

Matteo Castiello

Jared Williams

I love this 10,000 X over. HUGE thanks, Nancy. This is high value.

Jared Williams
Campfire Glow

Shelly Thomas, PE

My favorite part, Nancy is you’re providing the concepts AND the application of them. So valuable!

Shelly Thomas, PE
Chart Industries Inc.

Tianyu Xu

Amazing! This is what I need. Thanks for showing us the true power of GPTs, Nancy.

Tianyu Xu

Saikumar Vattikulla

Best guide on the internet! Thanks Nancy!

Saikumar Vattikulla
Quantta Analytics

Hank Barker

Turning up the temperature in here. This is fire, Nancy Bain!

Hank Barker
Oakland University

Rory Flynn

Alright this is the most useful GPT content I’ve seen in awhile. Killer stuff.

Rory Flynn
Systematiq Ai

Martin Crowley

This is so well described and what a useful guide, Nancy. Hope anyone who is starting with GPT or even those people who have used it before read this.

Martin Crowley
AI Tool Report

Chetna Sharma

Awesome! It was a GOLD breakdown really. Keep rocking, Nancy!

Chetna Sharma
Self Employed

Sheza Yazadani

I think this is the need of the hour! Thanks Nancy!

Sheza Yazadani
University of Central Punjab

Kevin Rodriguez

Now I don’t have to imagine. Crazy value here by combining all these tools. Thanks, Nancy!

Kevin Rodriguez
DePaul University

Chris Gallagher

Eye opening. As usual absolutely stellar content Nancy. You’re a legend.

Chris Gallagher
AI Sales Training

Jonathan Parsons

Brilliant guide, thanks Nancy!

Jonathan Parson
Procter & Gamble

Ready to get started?

Discover how the power of Generative AI and Intelligent Automation can skyrocket your business performance.

We aren't going to spam you with emails or call you a thousand times. After you submit your form, we'll ask you a few questions about what you're looking to accomplish via email, then book a convenient time for a call.

Nancy Bain

CEO & Founder, Supernova Media

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Simplified Workflows For the Busy Solopreneur

Contact Supernova Media today, to discover how to streamline your business processes with AI automation.


What sets us apart?

  • Tailored Solutions: We don't believe in one-size-fits-all. Our AI solutions and digital strategies are customized to your specific goals and challenges.
  • Real-World Expertise: Our founder, Nancy, isn't just an AI aficionado – she's a seasoned solopreneur who understands the unique needs of businesses like yours.

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